Coming up short

You know what the problem is with owning just one pair of running tights?

You own just one pair of running tights. And sometimes (but only sometimes) you discover that said tights are in the laundry basket and smell like ... you know ... and you only make that discovery minutes before you hope to be out the door.

Or does this only happen to me?

I had 4 miles planned for today, and I did not want to cop out just because of something so minor as a pair of pants. Not that pants are minor but ... you know what I mean. So I did what anyone would do - made do with what I had.

A pair of Old Navy active capris paired with a pair of knee socks = makeshift running tights. 

Note: I had a pair of running socks underneath so as to not get any blisters.

As it turned out, my haphazard outfit was the least of my worries. The temperature was an acceptable 31 degrees but the wind ... oh, the wind., which I looked at more closely after my run (doh!), said there were gusts from 15 to 25 mph. Eek! Factor in that I was pushing the stroller through a hilly-ish area, and it is undeniable that I had my work cut out for me.

I paused when I could, catching my breath at street crossings and when Denali had to pee, and I made no bones about not running as fast as I could. Even still, as reached my second neighborhood, I had to summon every ounce of #OpHardcoreFit I could and not cut the run short. I knew that if I could push through that I would feel better about the day and myself.

Oh and a little better about this.

After months of "researching" spring half marathons, I finally put my money where my training plan is and signed up for the Martian half marathon on April 14. Maybe it's the awesome medal or the chance to maybe meet the Megans, but I'm super stoked.

What are you looking forward to? Any spring races?
P.S. I'm deeming next week W.O.W. (Words of Wisdom) Week. I saw a lot of questions in comments after the Yahoo! story so I thought it might be good timing. I'll answer any questions you might have - whether it's weight loss, my eating habits, running, etc. Just leave me a comment or shoot me an email!