Flaking out

It's official: Winter has arrived.

After flirting with us, with its chilly temperatures and dusting of snow, Old Man Winter dropped 4 or so inches of snow on Fort Wayne.

It was quite a beautiful sight ... until I realized that the snow could very much bury my plans.

L and I were all set to go for our weekly Body Pump class, with a side of Zumba because we're crazy like that, but I wasn't so sure about the gym. I had seen cancellation after cancellation scroll across the bottom of the TV the night before and it would be just my luck that my baby-free workout would be snowed out.

"What are you going to do?" Mark asjed as I fretted about the living room.

I ran through my options - go to the grocery and hope for a run later, lie on the couch or pull one of my exercise DVDs and head down to the basement.

Let's see ... You know as much as I LOVE the grocery, I figured that I could at least do something for a half  hour. Before I had to convince myself that yes, I could do Bob Harper's "Total Body Transformation" for the second time this week (it kicks my butt every time), I realized that nothing was canceled this morning.

Body Pump and Zumba it would be after all.

The classes were a bit smaller than usual, no doubt because the neighborhood roads were still yucky, but they were fun nonetheless. Lunge track killed me, I remembered not to go crazy on the weights during biceps and I managed to do one real push-up.

Oh, I even think I had the hang of Zumba ... for about 5 minutes.

How is your weekend shaping up?