
I knew it was coming.

A few days ago, the web editor for Woman's Day emailed me and asked about the rights to the before photo the magazine used in my weight-loss story. More specifically, she wanted to know whether Yahoo! could have permission to use the photo as it wanted to publish the story on its site.

"Sure," I thought. "No biggie."

And then this.

Me, my photo, my story, was on the main page.

Wow. Just wow.

I know there are many of you visiting because of that story and Yahoo!, and I want to thank you for not only stopping by but sticking around. Feel free to explore Healthy Strides, taking note of my About page, before and after photos and the story of my journey.

I never expected to be the center of so much attention.I am truly grateful and humbled by the comments and emails I have received.

I hope to respond to each email over the weekend and answer any questions left in comments in an upcoming post(s). If you have a question, do not hesitate to email (my address is on the right side of the home page) or leave a comment.

I look forward to sharing my thoughts and words with you.

And for those of you who were here before ... I heart y'all and always will.